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anzac biscuits



Makes 12

100g of Whole Rolled oats 

150g of Flour 

100g of Desiccated Coconut  

100g of Caster Sugar

100g of Butter  

2 Tbsp of Golden Syrup

3/4 Tsp of Baking Soda

2 Tbsp of Water


  1.  Line tray and set oven to 180 degrees celsius 

  2.  Add oats, flour, coconut and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Set aside

  3.  Melt butter in microwave, add syrup and water. Stirring to combine 

  4.  Add baking soda and stir

  5.  Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and combine

  6.  Roll into 12 large balls on lined tray at least 5 cm apart 

  7.  Press down untill 1cm thick 

  8.  Bake for 8-10 mins or until golden

  9.  Cool on tray then transfer to rack 

  10.  Enjoy!

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